Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Not even half-way....

.... through this week, and so far:

$375 - spay, microchip & bloodwork on the dog
$135 - new runners for the boys
$ 80 - school supplies (I know, I know - we get of easy on this one)
$812 - daycare for the boys
$270 - Beavers & Cubs registration for the boys
$655 - hockey registration for the boys
$2327.00 (!) and it's not even hump day....


(I'm thinking September beats December, hands down, as the most expensive month for families with kids - yikes)


Anonymous said...

Not only is it not even hump day, but was only 9/2 !!!

August is OUR expensive month. Shiminy!

I feel your pain!

Mbdiamond said...

(I forgot to add registering C for dance)... this is crazy - and we haven't even added our toddlers to the list yet!