Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I screwed up.

At work. I made a mistake last December (we just noticed today) and it cost someone else. In hind sight it could have been much, much worse - but there's no way around the fact that I'm the one to blame (I was in denial and spent a couple of hours on the phone and tracking old emails to find the mistake someone else might have made, but no) ..... there was paper work I needed to complete (and thought I had) but in fact, I forgot... or got interrupted or distracted or whatever the case may have been. It's not like any excuse would be valid - there's not really "excuses" in my business. I can't tell you how lucky I am that the people involved are so kind and understanding. I could be getting my ass sued (or more likely just paying out a shit-load to avoid that). I can't tell you how guilty I feel. I think some days I take lightly the considerable impact my actions (or inactions) can have on individual people's lives. Yikes.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm - I think that comment could be likened to all of us. Good to read, and sit with for awhile - - the result that our daily actions have on others . . . and the reminder to not take that lightly - whether you're in a high-profile job, or simply making a comment to the person behind you in the grocery store.

Mbdiamond said...

You're right... we can have impacts more far reaching that we could imagine just in every day interactions too...

My error *potentially* changed a couple's life income to $12/mth less than it *may* have been (we really won't know for another couple of years). But what if it were a couple of hundred $$ instead?? There's no room for errors in my work... or excuses. I feel really shitty.