So my toddler is not the most creative when it comes to picking names for her loveys. Her very favorite baby doll is lovingly referred to as "Baby", and her next favorite, but much smaller baby doll? "More Baby".
This is a pattern that repeats.
Her big fluffy stuffed puppy is known as "Puppy". And her little dog? Wait for it....
"More Puppy".
She cracks me up.
But it got me to thinking....
My cousin already has a daughter named M, 9th months older than my girl. So I suggested, just for ease of use, that "More M" might just work ;)
I dunno.... she didn't find it as uproariously funny as I did :P
Gaah. So we're still waiting on a name.
Happy Thanksgiving
3 months ago
OMG....Simone does the same thing...
We have baby doll, old baby, new baby, and little baby.....
Any attempts to give them names all horribly fail.
I love it that Dani and Mo are so much alike!
No kidding... I love it when I hear one of them doing something and I get to think - "wow, that's SO Dani!"
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