I am so over all this cold! I'm starting to question why people ever inhabited a place that can reach -45 in the winter.... or why over 700,000 of us choose to stay here now. I guess we're just sheep.... doing what those before us have done - I mean seriously, these are not human (or at least humane) temperatures!
Overnight I can handle - when we're all tucked up in our beds in our warm houses and you can sleep obliviously through those nasty temperatures.... but all day too? Wind chill warnings: "watch out, exposed skin can freeze in just a few minutes" - WTH is up with that? And when it stretches for days at a time it's just exhausting....
No one wants to go out and do anything - heading out to work and school, shopping.... anything that drags a person out of the comfy nest of home is just painful. Kids can't play outside - hell even my "outdoor" dog can't stay outside right now - insulated dog house or not!
Getting three kids dressed up to leave the house in the morning when "getting ready" includes full winter get-ups is more work than I'm usually prepared to handle on only one cup of coffee.
Three sets of ski pants, parkas, winter boots, toques & mitts.... add in one toddler who either insists on doing the entire process "Owl by MYSEFF!!!" (read: taking 3x as long) or not at all (and I'm not even going to get into a discussion on how fun it is to hog tie/hold down/wrestle a 'squirming-wet-noodle-raging-mad' 2 and a half year old into her snow suit is - at this point I think herding cats for a living would be less frustrating).... well right there we have a recipe for a shitty start to a day.
And long gone are the days when I could just "give up" on her tantrums and throw her over my shoulder to head out the door whether she had shoes or a jacket on or not. And there were a few days, not that far in the past, when we did leave the house with her half-dressed because I ran out of time to argue with or cajole her anymore.... but frostbite's just not an appropriate consequence of our little power struggles, know what I mean? So I've been running late now (thank you deep freeze) - which is another lovely way to kick off a day, don't you think?
God I miss summer right now.... and the "cold" days of winter are still ahead.... apparently it's going to be a long season.
All I want for Christmas is some livable winter weather....
(OK, and maybe a few other things I've been hinting on.... but the weather would be right up there right now)
Happy Thanksgiving
3 months ago
This post cracked me up ... I wonder if there are cat herders ... I am sorry you don't have our weather ... because then like me you would be wishing for just a day of snow ...
Enjoy those snuggled in bed moments ... before you know it it will be 45 and it will feel like a warm front has hit ...
Hmmmmm.... 45? That's like 7 degrees or so up here.... so I guess I can look forward to a warm front like that sometime in April, lol....
But I know it will get better (than this) before then - and at least the cats behaved today!
I don't know how you do a snow suit everyday.....it is really hard to get one on a wiggly toddler!!!
Hats of to you!
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