August long weekend is "Grindstone Days" up in our cottage community. All sorts of activities for the families to enjoy, but the main event.... what my boys have looked forward to and practiced for all year, is the talent show. The evening starts with the kids showcasing their talents, then the evening belongs to the adults. It's alot of fun - and we have a surprising amount of talented folks up there!
The Huz is always up for singing and playing for a crowd - I spent many a night during our dating years sitting around bars watching him up on stage.... and it looks like the kids have picked up his performance gene. They both took a turn at the mic belting out a song for the crowd.
They had a blast.... and I couldn't be prouder.
*This was two weeks ago already.... they're already trying to decide on which songs to do next year ;)
that is just so cute ... they look like they are having such a great time!!! we need video next time :)
I need a camera that does better video!
(then I'd need to figure out how to post them, lol..)
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